Eutrophication :
  • It is related to water (water bodies).
  • It mostly occurs in shallow water.
  • Risk is more in shallow then deep water.

It is all about excessive plant and algal growth(plant growth) in the water bodies.

Eutrophication occurs in lakes, canals and shallow rivers due to increased level of growth factors into water bodies.

  1. Nitrogen.
  2. Carbon.
  3. Phosphorus.

Types :

There are two types of Eutrophication.

  1. Natural Eutrophication.
  2. Cultural Eutrophication.

Natural Eutrophication :

  • It is a natural process and not influenced by human activities.
  • It is a slow process and takes years to happens.

Cultural Eutrophication :

  • It is not a natural process and influenced by human activities.
  • It is a speedy process and takes weeks to months.
  • It is the instigation in the natural eutrophication.

Causes :

Some of the causes are here below.

  1. Intensive use of agro-chemical.( due to agricultural water run of).
  2. Number of industrialization; (fertilization, food, pesticides).
  3. Organic waste such as solid waste livestock in water.

Process of Eutrophication :

A fertilizer which flows into the water contain nitrogen. Due to nitrogen in it, plants and algae will grow excessively. Due to growth of plants result in the prevention of solar radiation in to the river. Furthermore, it results in the death of smaller green plants, because the sunlight is unable to reach the bed of river. Due to the death of smaller green plant they started to decompose which further use oxygen and create suffocation for the aquatic life.

Effects of Eutrophication :

  1. Eutrophication results into degradation of water quality (physical property, taste, addition of multiple toxin ==>water pollution).
  2. It harms the aesthetic importance of the water bodies (It creates smell around the water).
  3. Public health risk ( Animal drink water from it, respiratory disorder ==>cancer)

Solution :

  • Reducing the use of agro-chemical (developing separate mitigation system for the agricultural water run of).
  • Physical handling (removing algae physically by hands) (algae ==> biodiesel).
  • Environmental institution strengthens.
  • Environmental awareness and education.
  • Implementing sustainable development goals.
  • Ensuring solid waste management.
  • Bio diversity loss.
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